Carlo Odescalchi was the son of the Odescalchi and Giustiniani princely banking families and he ruled as the Archbishop of Ferrara, the Grand Prior of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Judge of the Roman Rota, and then later became a member of the Society of Jesus. The Prince family of Holland, Michigan serve the Odescalchi family with the Knight of Malta Erik Prince. Erik Prince was a founder of Blackwater and is currently the head Frontier Services Group which has operations in Africa and Asia. The House of Odescalchi are working closely with the Giustiniani and Pallavicini banking families to this day. The Pallavicini family were bankers from Genoa which merged a family branch with the Rospigliosi Papal nobility, and also established a fiefdom in the Austrian-Hungarian territory. The American Daniel Odescalchi is the president of Strategic Advantage International which is a political consulting firm that has done work for Hungarian politicians. The Odescalchi family own some Slovak mafias like the Cernakovci crime family as well as the Detroit Partnership which run the Teamsters unions currently headed up by James Hoffa. Jack Giacalone is the head of the Detroit Mafia he serves the Odescalchis. Daniel Gilbert is a Jewish billionaire that renamed his casino company Jack Entertainment to honor the mafia boss Jack Giacalone. The Romney family are a political bloodline of Michigan and also involved with the auto industry. Mitt Romney's father George Romney worked for American Motor Corporation which absorbed into Chrysler. The Romney family and Detroit Partnership's agents in the teamsters extorted and manipulated the auto industry to cause the government bailout.
The family often uses the name Erba-Odescalchi for their merger with the Erba family that ruled in the town of Cernobbio, Italy. I believe that CERN was cleverly named after Cernobbio which is on the Italian and Swiss border. Fabiola Gianotti is the Director General of CERN today and she was born in Rome. There have been various Austrian and Hungarian nuclear physicists like John von Neumann. The House of Odescalchi's role from Rome is overseeing the development and use of advanced technologies and weapons in society. CERN oversees most of the particle accelerators around the world and it is the Swiss bankers which are financing the Uranium and Plutonium which fuels them. There is a statue of Shiva at CERN. The nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer was involved in the development of nuclear technologies and the creation of the atomic bomb. Robert Oppenheimer quoted Vishnu-Shiva stating "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Particle accelerators are a type of nuclear weapon that are enhancing gravity which is like magnetic pressure in the lower atmosphere. Along with HAARP they are able to direct these magnetic emissions over targeted areas. With HAARP and other similar tools controlled by the USAF they can ionize parts of the atmosphere. When the magnetism is released from a particle accelerator they can ionize pathways to move around this magnetic pressure through the vector. When they run these particle accelerators it makes society feel lethargic and more stressed. Gravity is related with time and the perception of time which is basically the speed of movement. The Odescalchis have a clock tower at their Ilok Castle in Croatia. A gang stalker named Jesse Like has been targeting me for decades and has stolen my property, threatened me with a gun, threatened to jump me on three occasions with his fellow thugs and he works for the Odescalchis. Jesse Like is really a coward that abuses women and cant fight people on his own. He also called the police when someone broke his jaw. That is the nature of these gang stalkers. The name Like derives from Serbia near where the Odescalchis ruled in Croatia.
The word gravity derives from the Latin word gravis which means weight or heavy. Scalchi in Ode-scalchi refers to scales which measure weight. Ode refers to poems and in ancient times odes were used along with harps. They are also using HAARP for individual and mass mind manipulation. HAARP antennas can ionize the atmosphere and also emit radio waves used for electromagnetic harassment. The Pallavicini family of Austria have a statue holding a harp on their palace in Vienna. Prince Moroello della Vittoria Pallavicini and Prince Carlo Odescalchi can be seen socializing together. These families are targeting areas and individuals with magnetic pressure while they also radiate society with mind control frequencies. It is like they are holding someone down and trying to dictate their will onto them. They are ruthless psychopaths that need to be executed. The actor and Scientologist Tom Cruise was married at the Castello Orsini-Odescalchi and serves them as a Knight of Malta. Scientology is involved with using electronic witchcraft on society through brain hacking software like GENESIS and NEURON operating through most modern electronics and smart devices. Prince Edmond Pery Odescalchi is a Hungarian born American author and financial consultant that has worked for International Business Machines Corporation and he oversees the use of particle accelerators on Americans. The Odescalchis are oppressors and dictators. Current members of this family include Prince Carlo Odescalchi, Princess Lucia Odescalchi, Princess Sophia Odescalchi, Prince Baldassare Odescalchi, Prince Michel Odescalchi, Princess Vittoria Odescalchi and Prince Edmond Odescalchi. Prince Carlo Odescalchi is the current head and an extremely dangerous and a wicked tyrant that needs to be executed right now.

Prince Carlo Odescalchi and Princess Lucia Odescalchi. Prince Carlo Odescalchi is a ruthless and demented tyrant that has a high authority over CERN particle accelerators and the Church of Scientology. Prince Carlo is a psychotic pedophile that rapes babies with his finger. That is the essence of this devil. Prince Carlo believes he is god and he makes up insane false concepts, lies, and slander to try and justify his false claims of being omnipotent. He also dictates that he is blameless and innocent regardless of the crimes that he commits just as his ancestor took the name Pope Innocent. He spreads the spirit of disbelief into society which causes people to do horrible and evil things because they think there are no consequences. Prince Carlo needs to be executed. He is dangerous and extremely delusional.

Prince Edmund Odelscalchi
Erba villa Cernobbio Como lake Lombardy Italy
Odescalchi, family
(14th-19th centuries)
From Livorno Guido Constantine descended from the marriage with the bergamasque Paola Castelli, Constantine (+ 1919), Lucrezia (1605), married to the patrician Milan Alessandro Erba (1599 - 1670) (4); Carlo (1607 - 1673) (5), Benedict (1611 - 1689), who was bishop of Novara and Pope, with the name of Innocent XI, from 1676 to death (6); and Giulio Maria (1612-1666) (7), Nicolo, Bartolomeo.
Benedetto Odescalchi, otherwise known as Pope Innocent XI, was born on May 19, 1611, in the City of Como, which stands on beautiful Lake Como, in Lombardy, Italy. His father was Livio Odescalchi and his mother, Paola Castelli. His was an old family which had become rich from trading and which could boast of a number of distinguished members in the service of the Church.

Jack Giacalone is the head of the Detroit Mafia and a ruthless tyrant. The Detroit Mafia run the Labor Union rackets through James Hoffa. Jack Giacalone's father was investigated for the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa. The Detroit Mafia originally used criminal front men who ran the automotive industry and they use mafia style tactics to control their employees. Now the Detroit Mafia uses the labor unions for leverage over the automotive industry.

Daniel Gilbert is a Jewish businessmen worth about 6 billion and he owns the Cleveland Cavaliers which he uses to fix games for the mafia's bets. Dan Gilbert also owns Quicken Loans and Jack Entertainment formerly called Rock Entertainment which owns casinos in Ohio and Michigan including the Greek Town Casino in Detroit. The mafia launder their profits through casinos and also use them for financing criminals through fixed wins. Casinos are rigged and that is why they say the "house always wins"
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