Saturday, February 2, 2019

This Blogger site is bad quality and difficult to use so my new site is in the link above


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, still here with the living? May a True Light Shine on you dear sir. Thank you for all the valuable information. Am posting on my Telegram page:

  2. Thumbs buddy keep up the good work you are doing great! 👍

  3. no se porque el poder de babilonia te permite revelar tanta información delicada si es cierta y si lo es sera parte de la promesa "...y conosereis la Verdad y la Verdad OS hará libres..." sigue adelante mi hermano.

  4. They are in full force , my mother forced into hospice last year. My twin fourteen year old daughters the youngest of six stolen on a lie by CPS LIE FROM blM. The city police complicit. CPS stealing all children for sex trafficking. My only friend brainwashed on a
    lie against me to have me disposed of. They will never stop and nothing will ever be enough for these demons.
